Monday, 25 August 2014

Welcome to my new blog!

You might be wondering why someone who already has four blogs, a Facebook account, two fan fiction pseudonyms and a reddit account needs another place to air her thoughts. Or you might be unaware that I already have all those. Anyway, I decided I need a different space to talk about my cancer journey and how it intersects with my parenting and with the rest of my life.

So here we are! Honey Sandwiches!

The title was chosen because I realized how important honey sandwiches are in my life, or more accurately, in Evie's life. It was because one day when everything was just too hard, and I was just too tired and there was just too much going on, I decided that Evie could have honey sandwiches in her lunchbox. I do not generally consider honey sandwiches to be the last word in nutrition for a child's school lunchbox. I do not encourage anyone else to give their child honey sandwiches for lunch, and certainly not on a regular basis.

But on this particular morning I was overwhelmed and stressed and I decided to chuck it all in the too-hard basket, embrace my inner "bad mother" and let Evie have honey sandwiches for lunch for once.

But the world did not end. No-one came to take my child away, or even visited to ask me probing questions. Evie ate her lunch and loved it! And I decided that on the whole, there is a place for cutting myself some slack and giving my kids honey sandwiches every now and then.

So, honey sandwiches are a symbol to me of letting myself prioritize my sanity over my perfectionism, of recognizing that I'm often too tired to do everything well and have to make some tough choices, of letting go and giving myself some grace.

Having cancer has taught me many life lessons which I am keen to record and reflect upon. You are invited to join me on this journey.

PS - If this is the first you have heard about my cancer diagnosis at all, don't feel you are the only one. I have deliberately kept it very quiet to date. I am only now beginning to be able to talk about it. The next few posts of this blog will detail how it all happened, and why I have not spoken about it much.


  1. No matter how many blogs you have, or how many social accounts, I am happy you have chosen to share this part of your life. Your name for the blog is wonderful, and I love the connection. Good luck with further entries. I shall read them with interest, and I shall continue to say prayers for you and send good vibes your way.

  2. Elizabeth I have not followed a blog before but will surely follow you here. Awesome start. Sorry to have been so out of touch these many years.

  3. I love the name!! And I'm glad you are writing again. Blessings and love to you, sweet friend.

  4. Honey sandwiches....peanut butter is ours, and cooking... But the bottom line is whatever helps you and yours get through each day with love and happiness and hugs. Xoxo

  5. Sorry about the above, but I wasn't to sure how the system worked. I wanted to connect with you Elizabbey because I identified very much with your situation. I too was a cancer patient and just beginning my journey as a parent. I attended my daughters birth during chemo treatment. That was now 28 years ago. I really hope that your outcome is positive, as mine fortunately was, but a very tough journey at the time. I will follow your blog with interest.

  6. Glad you got it working! I've also created a FB page if you find it easier to follow the blog from there. E

    1. I read your latest blog entry with great fascination today Elizabeth. It is very brave but also very powerful that you are sharing your innermost feelings about your situation.
